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40 years ago in a rural area of Montana God called a small group of people to establish a Christian radio station. They didn't have the knowledge, the money, or a staff to get it done but they felt a clear calling from the Lord, so they immediately went forward with their best efforts.


In the 40 years s, many individual Christians from all walks of life have joined us in prayer and financial support, and as a result today what began as one small station in rural Montana has become a network of about 70 radio facilities in 6 states, 2 Christian satellite radio networks broadcasting in 4 languages across Africa, a translation center, and a distributor of Ambassador Audio Bibles in various languages. In 2023, a Christian podcast page for Africa will be added to the ministry as debuts.


What will God do through you?

Logo - YNOP - PNG FIle.png
Your Network of Praise

Christian radio network in the US

New Life Africa satellite Network
Logo - NLASN - 1.png

Swahili / English satellite network

Logo - VNA - 1.png
Vie Nouvelle Afrique

French / Fulani satellite network

YNOP Ambassador

Audio Bibles in local languages



“The Bible tells us in Colossians that the word of God is bearing fruit and growing all over the world. I give to the work of New Life Africa because I want my resources to be invested in Kingdom business and the lives of people God loves, who have not yet had the chance to hear of Him.”


Listener, Your Network of Praise

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